As the digital nomad wave swells, we find ourselves caught up in a fascinating conundrum. How do we dissect and define the modern digital nomad?

New Kids on the Block – Meet the Digital Nomad Tourist

Now, people toss around the term ‘Digital Nomad’ like confetti at a parade. But here’s the kicker – we’re looking at an immensely diverse tribe. The academic panel at the Nomad Fest in Bansko, got me thinking. Several definitions of the term Digital Nomad were presented and discussed. That offered a striking revelation, while most people would define me as a Digital Nomad, even I was struggling to define me as such depending on the definition offered.

I have noticed that as the movement is growing the differences between the “tribes of nomads” are also becoming bigger.

Here is a new one emerging. Meet the ‘Digital Nomad Tourist,’ the 9-to-5er who doesn’t cut ties with a fixed location but flirts with the nomad lifestyle at festivals and retreats. Are they truly digital nomads? Or just curious cats looking for a taste of adventure?

Bye-Bye Tourist Hubs, Hello Uncharted Territories

COVID-19, the unexpected game-changer, forced digital nomads to adapt to survive. There was a need to stay in places that “felt safer”. A lot of tourist destinations that suffered from the lockdown and travel restrictions, suddenly became an option as they reduced the prices and looked at nomads as a solution to their challenges. These usually crowded places, become viable options to form a home base. A year after, as these restrictions have been sustainably lifted in most geographies and these tourist hubs are going back to their routes, will they turn their back to Nomads? And will Nomads turn their back on them?

Here’s the surprising twist – the movement is going back to their routes. Nomads are back to their routes, hunting for less crowded, lesser-known rural areas, undiscovered places, and new nomadic sanctuaries. And I’m not talking about beach huts and jungle hideouts – think of Morocco, South Italy, South Albania, Bulgaria… In short, areas where tourism is sparse, and the living, is authentic.

Legal Channels & Digital Nomads: A Match Made in Heaven?

Professionalism and legislation are finally finding their place in the digital nomad’s world. Countries are recognizing this nomadic workforce, offering dedicated visas, and greasing the wheels of the bureaucratic machine. As much as nomads love freedom, nobody enjoys wading through a legal quagmire. Contrary to popular beliefs, not many like the grey area. A defined legal framework? Bring it on!

Not only, legal though. We are seeing the movement becoming more professional overall, hence more and more professional service providers are entering the market. What will that mean for the movement? Well, for starters, more solutions and more competition. Not a bad thing per se. As a consequence, however, a lot of early providers will have to step up their game to stay relevant. A clear example is conference and retreat organizers. As there are more and more of them, it’s no longer acceptable to deliver average events… Is our “world” ready for a shake-up?

From Moving Places to Building Spaces

The digital nomad life isn’t just about flitting from place to place anymore. It’s about shifting gears – we’re now moving between communities.

Anyone that has experienced the nomadic lifestyle knows, it can take some time to “adjust and arrive” at a new destination. A couple of years ago I coined the term, “Frequent Living Places”. That’s where the sweet spot is – locations that feel like home, where one doesn’t need time to adjust. We’re slowing down, not because we’re tired, but because we’re smart. We’re choosing to spend more time in fewer places, embedding ourselves in local communities, and living, not just passing through. That means bye-bye to 12 places in a year and welcome to two, or three frequent living places combined with two, or three new places a year.

What are your frequent living places?

Riding Solo? Nah, Let’s Tribe Up!

One of the quotes that my peer Goncalo is best known for is: Nomads travel between communities. Well, Nomads are seeking a sense of belonging, of being part of a tribe. We are seeing the rise of a new era.

Ever experienced loneliness as a nomad? Working alone can be tough. It’s easy to feel isolated, to get lost in loneliness. The answer? Traveling in tribes. From nomad tribes to businesses offering group travel experiences, we’re looking for connections, for shared experiences. Sounds primitive? Maybe. But it’s in our nature and what makes us human.

I am calling it first: Digital Nomad communities will travel between Digital Nomad communities.

Stripping the Glamour: Beyond the Instagram Filters

In a world obsessed with highlight reels, the digital nomad life is often mistaken for a perpetual vacation. Here’s a reality check – it’s far from it. The grind is real, and the hustle is relentless. It’s not just about managing the endless work; it’s also about staying mentally agile and fighting the FOMO. It’s time we bust the biggest myth about digital nomadism. Here’s the unvarnished truth – many of us are on the brink of burnout. Behind the envy-inducing Instagram posts are countless hours of work, sleepless nights, and an unrelenting hustle. Striking the right balance is more crucial than ever – it’s not all rainbows and unicorns, folks.

A new dawn

In short, the future of digital nomadism is as intriguing as it is challenging. As we adapt and evolve, we’re not just changing where we work, but how we live, grow, and connect. Welcome to the brave new world of digital nomadism!


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At a core, I help leaders, founders, and solopreneurs on their path to a high-performance whilst achieving work-life harmony. We do so through one on one coaching and mentoring, training courses, and speaking engagements.

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